07 Jul 22
In a world defined by the Internet, many companies need to evaluate different options regarding their business development. We’re not talking exclusively about companies oriented to web design and development. A/B testing at the edge is, for sure, one of the best options for said purpose.
From alternative designs for the website, to targeted content based on location, to new features. During day to day operations, it’s key to evaluate different possibilities when facing decisions oriented to grow our business.
The best way to accurately evaluate different options is through data. A/B Testing is a very effective way to obtain data with deployment strategies directed to experimentation and exploration.
Why? Because user segmentation and traffic routing based on specific rules or demographic references can measure and compare different versions, and choose the most appropriate one.
Segmentations can (and should) be done based on different criteria for each case: country of origin, kind of device, business model, etc. Thanks to the smart routing technology of Transparent Edge’s next-generation CDN, A/B testing at the edge can segment users by any elements of their requests. The goal is to present them with different content.
The simplicity or complexity of the test is decided by you. But, whether it’s a small modification or implementing a change in strategy, our CDN provides you with the tools to do so.
To ensure the validity of the results when you do this test, you need to separate your audience into two groups and display a different option for each one.
You only need to use one parameter, which should be the same for both groups if you want to control the elements that have influenced your results. If you wish to test more elements, you’ll have to conduct multiple tests.
The advantage of performing A/B Testing at the edge, is that you do it closer to the end-users. This means these users won’t experience a decrease in the quality of service.
Being done at the edge, the server is not overloaded since you’ll only be using it to make a copy of each of the options you want to test.
These versions will be cached. And our next-generation CDN will ensure, based on the parameters you want, that users are segmented and always receive the same version. Meaning, our CDN will prevent a user returning to the website three days after their first visit from receiving a different version of what has been delivered before.
One of the benefits for you is the reduction of uncertainty in making business decisions. Also, the saving in processing capacity at the origin. While development is done on single or multiple origins, caching of the content in its different versions is carried out at the edge.
All of this without forgetting the advantage of ease in testing new features in production. Because making things easy for you is one of our obsessions 😉.